Thursday, July 3, 2008

Emotion A.7.3

So I figured out how to get back into my bloglines account. Luckily I must have checked a box to "remember me" on this computer, so all I had to do was go to the website, and it remembered me. Just in case, I checked on my account information to remember what my log-in information was. Realized I had used standard stuff.

I added two rss feeds to my bloglines account: The Library of Congress 2007 National Book Festival podcast, and something called Nobody Likes Onions, which is supposed to be funny I think (at least that's why I added it- discovered there's about 2 minutes of ads and intro before you actually get to listen to the jist of the podcast).

Did I discover anything I want to share with others? Well, Nobody Likes Onions sounds like a standard morning radio show. Couple of goofy guys saying goofy stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with that- I am a fan of goofy guys on morning radio shows. The Library of Congress podcasts include author interviews, which I mentioned in a previous post might be something we could get from youtube, as well. Good for a library website.

Youtube and podcast technology would be useful for library instruction, tours, and news about events.

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