Monday, May 19, 2008

Emotion B.2

The 7th Thing. Anything technology related that interests you: e-mail,, dowloading music from iTunes, burning CDs, the iPod shuffle at the gym. Other technology that I enjoy includes cars, toaster ovens and microwave ovens. Water heaters and hair dryers. Air conditioning. Search engines and databases. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens (oh wait, that's not technology related). Cell phones (calls only, no texting). Have a digital camera, but can't think of anything to take pictures of.


i_love_lamp said...

Take pictures of your kittehs!

dml said...

Heh, if you read my blog, you'll see a picture of my "kitten." But there are only so many pix a grown woman can take of her cats before she becomes one of "those" ladies: crazy cat ladies.