Thursday, July 3, 2008

Emotion B.3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510

I admit it- it had to be done. If I had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century, I would expect the same held true for a few of my colleagues. I had used some of these before- youtube, wikis, flickr, webfeat, overdrive. I had read blogs. But it was educational to create a blog, figure out how to embed pictures, sound files, videos. I’m not ready yet to jump on the rss or tagging bandwagon. But I’m happy to understand more about it. Which ones of these are we going to incorporate into our library services?

I think the future takes a lot of time. A fellow PBCLS blogger noted that her internet activities were cutting into her leisure reading time. This is true! The future takes a lot of time, and the future is expensive! Laptops, mp3 players, gaming machines, digital cameras. There weren’t so many things to BUY, “back in the day.” So you drew me in with your carrots, especially the chance at that laptop. Fingers crossed.

Note- the exercises were probably more time consuming than the promised hour per week. I worked on mine from home, from hotel rooms, during the weekends, etc. For staff who don’t have computers at their desks, or computers at home, I think the project was probably quite a challenge. Would I do it (or similar) again? Yes.


LIS 5945 Internship said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your experience! I've actually jumped on the RSS bandwagon, which I had a strong aversion to prior to this exercise. It's a good way to keep up with the local news, I've found.
And I've never been able to figure out what's up with your subject line? Emotion B.2.141.....???
Also, I've added an entry for my class on my blog. Thanks for reminding me!

dml said...

Oh, when I started the blog touting gamut of emotions from A to B, I was kind of stuck with two "emotions." So I gave them random sub-qualifiers. The final one is pi. I always like to celebrate special occasions with pi. Or pie.