Thursday, June 5, 2008

Emotion A.7.3.1

The Wiki entry says: The key principles of Library 2.0 are not just about access to books and information. It is about innovation, about people, and about community building, enabled through the participation that social computing brings. It achieves this through trust and encouraging users to share ideas through writing, rating, and commenting against everything in the library's collection. It even makes the collection open to developers to use, re-use and improve!
What does Web 2.0 mean to me? A way to stay in touch with my kid. A way to discuss common interests with complete strangers in cyberspace- including frequent and painful flaming you'd never see in real life. A way to shop. Entertainment. Infotainment. A way to interact with patrons and allow patrons to interact with me online, hopefully without flaming. It's a dog eat dog world out there!


rksistu said...
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23 cosas said...

See my comment on Middelfart.